All the elements needed for a brand to thrive

Choosing the right elements for your marketing plan is never easy and can be a daunting task. At kemistry we’ve got a wealth of experience in almost every form of communication there is, and a good idea on what will work effectively for you. Have a look at what we do and don’t hesitate to drop us a line.

What we do




In this digital age your website is the centre of your marketing universe.  It has become your flagship shop, head office and company brochure all rolled into one. At Kemistry our aim is to make it work as effectively as possible. That is, effortless to navigate, seamless in it’s delivery, well organised, and have everything your customer needs just a click or two away.  It should also be clever and sexy to look at too.


Emarketing doesn’t work for every brand. But for brands that have promotional offers every week or fortnight it can be very effective in driving people to the website or in-store. Our aim is to make your emarketing entertaining and worth opening for the recipient. That means strong offers and clever creative. If it starts to get stale or repetitive they will soon see it as a nuisance.

social media

Imagine having a direct dialogue with your customer base, bouncing ideas around and hearing about what is and isn’t working for them. Instant research that allows you to respond and fine tune your product or service at lightning speed. Only hitch is it does need a lot of input to stay fresh and maintain momentum. Quite a few companies now employ a full time social media person.


Smart phones are taking over the world? With sales growth rates predicted at 44% for 2013 you can’t ignore the fact that smart phones will soon be the leading device for most internet traffic. It’s hard to imagine unless you have a smart phone yourself and can’t be bothered getting off the couch to use your laptop. Have you a mobile marketing plan?



Digital advertising is taking giant strides in what’s possible and that’s pretty exciting. Unfortunately, users see it as a nuisance so the idea has to be clever, engaging and eye catching. If you can tease them into making that click it’s done it’s job, but it helps if you follow that up with more clever ideas to hold their attention on your website. Internet users are incredibly fickle and will jump ship at the mere whiff of complacency.


Press is still a great way to get your customers interested in your brand. Today it serves a secondary purpose which is to drive visits to your website. That means it no longer needs to be heavy with product information. That’s all on the website.


We love doing posters. It’s still one of the purest forms of visual communication there is.

tv / radio

If your budget allows for tv, you should consider it as the lead for all other communication and a fully integrated campaign. That means a big idea. That means pushing the creatives to stretching point with sleep deprivation and coffee on tap. The rewards are worth it though especially if it also brings awards. Radio can be just as powerful but way more affordable.



A beautifully produced brochure can be a piece of art. Telling your brand story with well crafted seamless text, along with food for the eyes and the feel of quality stock. Done well it’s powerful stuff and can hang around to get read by many.

point of sale

Never underestimate the power of pos. It’s right there tipping the purchase decision in your favour. At Kemistry we like brave eye catching pos that stands out in the harsh environment that is instore. Knowing what will get displayed and what will never get put up is important so getting the retailer onboard is part of the package.


Your most powerful tool instore is your packaging. If it’s well thought through, targeted and beautifully designed it’ll increase your products chances of getting noticed, picked up, and purchased. Big brands are constantly updating their packaging to maintain their advantage. Revising your packaging is a nerve wracking experience but as long as the move is a transition your customers should respond well. Modernising is for forward thinking brands.


We can design and print any stationary items you may need. Often we hear “We’ll look at redesigning our identity when we run out of our current letterheads?” Please work out how many years of letterheads you have left and maybe reconsider. The advantages of a fresh new look will far outweigh the cost of donating your old stationary to the nearest primary school.



We love doing logos. They always present a challenge. It’s essential to have a strong design that immediately identifies your brand. Every logo has a different job to do and if yours is too busy or looks dated then give us a call. We’ll offer you a range of design concepts in accordance with your budget.


At Kemistry we think good branding is all about creating the right template for your audience to associate with your brand. It’s your tone of voice, style of photography (or illustration), and the overall feeling your customer takes away when exposed to your brand. Brand building is best achieved through applying equal amounts of creativity, good design and discipline.

corporate ID

Your Corporate ID is the design structure that supports your logo. Beautifully designed graphics, modern colours, and the way it all works together to create a strong visual signature. If your logo is the cherry, your Corporate ID is the cake.


Your most powerful tool instore is your packaging. If it’s well thought through, targeted and beautifully designed it’ll increase your products chances of getting noticed, picked up, and purchased. Big brands are constantly updating their packaging to maintain their advantage. Revising your packaging is a nerve wracking experience but as long as the move is a transition your customers should respond well. Modernising is for forward thinking brands.



Your company ‘mission statement’ is the perfect place to start. From there we can set out your marketing objectives. A long term marketing strategy and more immediate marketing plan will follow on from there. How creative the strategy will be depends largely on how aggressive your company wants to be or budget will allow.


We believe in promotions and will strive to find one that will fit your brand like a glove. A good promotion should add value to your product and be seen as clever, useful or fun. We can also integrate a promotion with any other activity to create even more of a reaction.


Everyone loves viral activity. It’s mostly funny or crazy or both. There is normally a core idea behind them which is pure comedy. That’s the key to success. Getting the idea right. Then, with a small push they should look after themselves and snowball naturally.


We work closely with you to decide exactly what the research needs to tell us and then bring in outside help to make it happen. It’s important that it’s structured to be as revealing as possible. We would advise against being dictated to by the findings. It’s an insight into a way of thinking you may want to change.


Here are a few pieces of recent work.
If you like what you see why not drop us
a line.


T-Mobile asked for an impactful ad featuring connectivity and targeting a young audience who want to stay in touch with their friends on da...

File Recovery Guru

Software developer File Recovery Guru asked us for an icon and some slider concepts to add value to their worldwide web presence.…


Chivas asked us to produce some super premium gift pack concepts to help increase market share in the fast growing Scotch Whisky market in...